Friday, January 23, 2009

Turn off the default

I operate my life on a set of "known" ideas, such as theologians are
smarter than I, rich people are intimidating and if I lose the weight I will just gain it back. Although you say these thoughts aren't necessarily true, you and I both live with such thoughts that dictate what we do and will not do. Where is God in all that? If God is as big as we think He is, why do we not give him our default thoughts and ideas about our lives. As I pondered this I couldn't help but think about the woman at the well and how she was just like me operating in default. In John 4 1-27 is the story of when Jesus was by Jacob's well and there at the well was a Samaritan woman. Jesus ask her for a drink, but of course she was in default, not even considering what this Man could do, when she in a rebuking tone asked why in the world would a Jew be speaking to me a Samaritan. Yes in the culture there was a separation of the two groups and as far as she was concerned there would be no reason for Him to speak to her, after all she wasn't as good as Him. I thought, how many times is God trying to do something new in my life and I operate in the "known thoughts" like, "I can't do that". I say put the known thoughts on the back burner and give God what He so deserves and that is me, all of me! As a work out my salvation with fear and trembling, I am humbled at the thought that He desires to work in me at all, and thus how deserving He is of every place in my heart as well as my mind! Think on the mighty works of God, what He has done is just a taste of what He wants to do! Think about it!


  1. Amen Paula. Why do we default to living a life based on the lies we have been fed? As I 'pondered' :-) your thoughts, I was lead to Colossians 2:6-7, and then dove deep into that word over at Food for the Soul.

  2. Paula, your post is awesome. Sometimes I feel like the woman at the well, being divorced twice, why would Christ want any interest in me? Your Blog is awesome, I encourage you my friend to continue with God's plan for your heart. Thank you for the inspiration you have been to me. I love ya, Taryn

  3. Amen! Press on, Girl! God is moving! We have this "hidden treasure" in us - a gift - the ability to love with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength - the desire to even do so is a gift in itself - a gift that can be shared in such an incredible way that even though we "give" somehow there's even more to give - and in ways (specific, spectacular, individually purposed, extraordinary, ways) that we cannot immagine. God is moving in hearts in such similar ways. Thanks for having the courage to start your blog. It is inspirational. Love You!
